Drive-In Movies & Entertainment, MINI’s Comprehensive Guide
Do you miss the experiencing of watching movies in a theater? Have you also longed for the days when viewing films at a drive-in theater was more prominent? MINI’s latest effort should quell both of those desires, with its comprehensive guide to helping you enjoy movies from the comfort of your vehicle. The guide can be downloaded here and features an interactive map (which you can go straight to here) to locate the nearest drive-in theater and tips on how to best enjoy your experience with safety and efficiency. Regarding the resurgence of drive-in movie experiences, MINI also hosted a Q&A with J.C. Barone (a professor at the Department of Communication and Media Arts at WCSU) transcribed on the document.
MINI Provides tips to make your drive-in experience both memorable and safe

There is a lot of great advice that is in the document. From advising that you arrive a few hours early in order to get the best spot (and snacks!), packing a blanket in the situation of a cold evening, and bringing a phone charger to make sure you and your family can remain connected on the drive home. There’s also the vital suggestion in packing a trash bag for all the candy wrappers and bottles you may produce.
Why not host your own MINI drive-in experience?

Want to take matters into your own hands? The guide also details some advice should drive-in experiences be too far away. First, they suggest locating a place with a large parking lot with blank walls which will allow you to project a film to your community. Properties which are currently closed, such as schools, will be your best bet. Of course, be sure to contact your local town’s council or officials in order to educate yourself on various restrictions which might be in place for hosting public gatherings. As you gather snack and beverage options for guests, grab hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes as a precaution (and be sure to be mindful of the speaker volume in order to not disturb those in the surrounding neighborhoods).
If you’re in the Ottawa, Ontario area— the closest drive-in experience is the Port Elmsley theater, view a list of their currently running attractions here. Want to showcase a shiny new MINI vehicle at the drive-in theater? Consider browsing our listings for vehicles available in the Ottawa area here.